Monday 16 April 2012

Friday the 13th

This day has been identity as scary unlucky black Friday by most of the people. However i think it's just a "myth" , not every Friday the 13th are bad day for me. However ........recently on this day i was considering it as a super bad day. Suddenly i been informed that i need to buy extra flight ticket coz i can't travel by land due to some "technical human caused issues". Trying to purchase the ticket thru Maswing website, but shit thing do happened..........unable to purchase any tickets due to system maintenance and upgrading.....GRRRRRRRRRRRRR! frustrated and completely helpless.

However at the end of the day, i received a good news from one of my best friend. She finally breakup with her maniac boyfriend.  Above song is dedicate to her....finally freedom after been emotionally and psychically tortured by this son of the b*tch. Friend, u never walk alone...i always been here with you.

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